There is much that is common betWeen Jainism and Buddhism. Not only were there marked similarities. in the careers of the founders of these two schools of philosophy, but both of them were contemporary and originated in Magadha; Both possess a common background of' Arya cuIture, ' Certain' common points in their philosophic conte!: are also striking. Both of them reject the authority of tl1 Vedas and the Vedic. priest; both repudiate the efficacy' ( ceremonies and rituals; both bitterly condemn animal sa! rifices; and both ignore God. Jainism even emphaticall denies any supreme deity or creator,' as man is Jus OVtl architect. To both distinctions based on 'birth ,have n meaning; both subscribe to ahimsa ,(non-violence), bot believe in transmigration and both hold that karma exerl a definite impact on the future. Both str.ess ,.on serviq Strangely enough, despite their strong regional orientatio~ both have acconunodated many popular beliefs and supel stitions.
NotWithstanding these close affinities, Jainism and Buddhism differ, at times widely, on certain basic issu~ Jainism glorifies self-mortification whereas Buddhism q sists upon the pursuit of the Middle Path and the avoidan~ of extremes. If Buddhism maintains "that everything lack an ego", "Jainism exhorts that "every object or particle i this world is tenanted by a soul". The concept of deliveranG and nirvana in the two sects are also not identical. The~ are~lso significant differences regarding the importancl role and structure of their respective church organisatioru THE AjIVlKAS
Solar Time
14 years ago
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